Why Individual Therapy

Working collaboratively with an experienced therapist offers you the opportunity to develop insight into self limiting patterns and gain concrete skills to foster greater well-being. My aim as your therapist is to meet you where you are, get a sense of what you are hoping to accomplish in therapy, and provide a thoughtful space where we can work together to get you there. Some people come to therapy with the intention of addressing unresolved issues, while others hope to make major life shifts. Whether your goals are short term or more intensive, therapy is a space where you can be honest and share what is true for you, without the fear of reprisal or hurting someone you love.

Build Skills

Gain concrete, practical tools

  • Access rational and compassionate thinking under stress

  • Communicate more effectively with friends, family, partners and co-workers

  • Establish healthy, balanced expectations of yourself and others

  • Set healthy boundaries in relationships

  • Become better equipped to notice when you are overextending or hiding in relationships

Learn mindfulness-based strategies

  • Direct thoughts and feelings, instead of being ruled by them

  • Become more aware of what your reactions and instincts are telling you and use this information to guide your thinking

  • Identify when you are responding from a reactive place

  • Learn to make wise, conscious choices from a thoughtful, rational, adult mindset

  • Develop lifelong coping strategies to manage and process difficult feelings

Understand how early life experiences influence adult beliefs

  • Break the spell of self-limiting beliefs

  • Identify limiting patterns and address them with insight and compassion

  • Develop greater awareness of the origins of your positive and negative thought patterns and beliefs

  • Use new insights as a guide to understanding your strengths and the areas where you may be blocked